The Full Year SEO Contest On Makeityourring Diamond Engagement Has Begun !

Are you SEO Talent? Enter SEO Idol and win huge cash prizes (that will continue to rise throughout 2011) just for proving your SEO worth. In addition, the Top 20 entrants will be awarded lucrative SEO contracts with Shiree Odiz at the end of the contest.  Reach any of the top 10 spots on (English) for exact term "makeityourring diamond engagement rings" with your web page on the 1st January 2012. Here is the details :

1. In order to enter the contest contestants must first register with their participating sites for the Shiree Odiz Affiliate Program. Participants are required to fill in the registration form at and to agree to the terms and conditions of the Affiliate Program and the SEO Contest. Registration for our affiliate program and the contest are done simultaneously with this form.

2. In order to get the affiliate ball rolling, we require at least 1 Do- Follow link, above the "fold" from your entry page to with anchor text of "engagement rings" AND at least 1 Do-Follow link, above the "fold" to one of our landing pages. We will contact you once you have signed up for the affiliate program. You will receive 8% sales commissions on any referred sales, in addition to prize money. Once you have been allocated a link, you may request a different link to match the subject matter of your site.

Our ultimate preference is to provide a link to similar content to that provided on your site, so that your users may enjoy similar and relevant content on our website when they decide to click through to us. Links may be placed as part of articles, informative or promotional content.

3. Compete & Earn. Entrants are strongly encouraged to use your entry to earn commissions via our affiliate program earning you 8% on sales throughout the contest. Our average sale is $3000 earning our affiliates an average commission of $240 per sale. Such commissions could easily fund any serious bid by SEO marketing freelancers, SEO agencies and other SEO entrants such as bloggers and webmasters by earning solid regular income all along the way.

While promoting "makeityourring diamond engagement rings" with relevant content, it makes sense to earn commissions in one of the most lucrative industries on the net. Affiliate commissions can be earned in addition to prize money.

4. Provide high quality original content that benefits real people so that your conversion of traffic to sales can earn you maximum commissions. Incoherent and spam-like websites will not be tolerated and may get you disqualified as will any breach of Google's Webmaster guidelines.

5. White-hat activity only please. Please read Google's guidelines carefully. Any black-hat, unethical activity, poor or duplicate content or other means used solely for progressing in the Google search results will not be tolerated and you will be disqualified. This includes any content deemed potentially damaging in any way to Google's reputation or the reputation of the Shiree Odiz website.

6. Any site containing the contest keywords is considered an "entry", however will be disqualified without notice if terms are not met. Sites will be manually inspected throughout the entire duration of the contest.

7. Please include an accurate email address or contact form on your entry page.

A few notes:
   1. The "makeityourring" concept is an upcoming Shiree Odiz development and will be launched shortly after the end of the competition. For now, it is an invented phrase used as part of the contest, but it will have real purpose and meaning once the contest closes.
   2. This contest has been set up to find the very best SEO marketers in the world and to offer them working contracts at the end of the contest, in addition to being a great way for us to acquire talented affiliate marketers for our affiliate program. We look forward to working with all of you! Good Luck!
   3. To check your position on Google for the contest, please use IP address (the official contest IP). To help you follow your progress on Google, it is recommend to download Google Monitor. We will use this tool as part of our verification process at the end of the contest. In the case that the IP can not be used to check position, a new IP will be allocated and an update will be advertised on this page and in the terms and conditions. Further information, go to

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